Albania's Global Accelerator roadmap towards jobs and social protection for just transitions

High-level commitment: Confirmed on 9 June 2023.

Roadmap development, governance and coordination: Albania’s roadmap was developed between October and November 2023 through a collaborative effort by the Government of Albania and the United Nations country teams of UNDP, UNICEF, ILO, UN Women, and FAO under the technical guidance of UNICEF and UNDP, based on the policy mapping results, and in broad-based consultation.

The Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation, and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection are the lead government institutions responsible for spearheading the design and implementation of the Global Accelerator. Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation will play a central role in coordinating efforts across various ministries and agencies.  

Roadmap validation: Endorsed by the government in June 2024.

Roadmap focus:

  1. Strengthen adaptive social protection for people with disabilities by enhancing a disability reform, inclusive employment and skills development policies, and early-age support through partnerships and collaboration.
  2. Build an inclusive social protection system for economic security and social equity.
  3. Facilitate increased private sector involvement in TVET programs, with a special emphasis on digital and entrepreneurship skills development targeting youth and women, particularly those from vulnerable communities and in rural areas.

Prioritised target groups

  • Unemployed individuals
  • Women
  • Children
  • Youth
  • People with disabilities
  • Elderly population
  • Low-income or vulnerable groups
  • Informal workers
  • Rural populations
  • Minority groups
  • Migrants and refugees
  • LGBTQ+ community
Worker in Albania

National policies and programmes to be supported by the Global Accelerator


  • National Strategy for Development and European Integration (NSDEI 2022-2030).
  • National Employment and Skills Strategy (NESS 2023-2030).
  • New National Social Protection Strategy (2024-2030).
  • Other relevant development plans related to youth employment, digital transformation, and innovation.

Expansion of social protection

Increased coverage: To significantly increase the coverage of social protection programs, especially for vulnerable groups like persons with disabilities, children, the elderly and rural populations that intersect with various vulnerabilities. 

Enhanced benefits: Beneficiaries of social protection programs will experience improvements in the quality and quantity of benefits they receive. This will be assessed by analysing the increase in benefit levels, which should lead to better economic security for these groups. 

Gender inclusivity: The Global Accelerator aims to reduce gender disparities in social protection access and benefits, particularly for unemployed women. Success in this area will be reflected in improved employment rate of women, increased access to services, reduced informal employment, reduced gender pay gap, and pay adequacy. 

Worker in Albania