The Global Accelerator will support countries committed to create decent jobs, expanding social protection and promote pathways for just transitions.  

The map shows the level of commitment of each country to the initiative. Click on a country to have more information.


Pathfinder country with a roadmap under development
  • The Deputy Prime Minister confirmed Albania’s high-level commitment on 1 August 2023. 
  • Led by the Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation (MoECI) and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MoHSP).

At the initial stage, the Global Accelerator will be implemented in a selected number of countries, also known as “pathfinders”, which have considerable potential to amplify investments in jobs and social protection and have expressed a commitment to do so. 

The Global Accelerator pathfinder countries are: 

  • Albania
  • Cabo Verde
  • Cambodia
  • Colombia
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Guinea
  • Indonesia
  • Malawi
  • Namibia
  • Nepal
  • Paraguay
  • Philippines
  • Rwanda
  • Senegal
  • Uzbekistan
  • Viet Nam

What is a pathfinder country?

Pathfinder countries have considerable potential to amplify investments in jobs and social protection and have expressed a commitment to do so. The Global Accelerator’s Implementation Strategy will be developed through a process of co-creation with governments, social partners, UN agencies, IFIs, and other key stakeholders to build a tailor-made approach adapted to each country’s specific context and circumstances, including those in fragile and post-conflict settings. 

Countries aiming to officially become part of the Global Accelerator must secure political support at the highest level, establish a cross-ministerial coordination mechanism, and start the design and development of the national implementation roadmap. The national roadmaps will set the direction and define the entry points for the implementation of the Global Accelerator in the country.  

City Buildings during Night Time.