Date: 17 September 2023, 15:00-16:30 (GMT-4)

Location: United Nations Headquartes, New York

The SDG Summit must secure the breakthroughs and momentum needed to change course and achieve the SDGs by 2030. In preparation for the Summit, the Secretary-General is convening the SDG Action Weekend, which will generate opportunities for stakeholders, UN entities, and Member States to convene inside the United Nations Headquarters and set out specific commitments and contributions to drive SDG transformation between now and 2030.

The SDG Action Weekend will help ramp-up momentum towards a successful SDG Summit and facilitate the contribution of all relevant actors to the SDG Summit. The weekend will generate opportunities for the engagement of Member States, relevant Intergovernmental Organizations, and other stakeholders in the lead up to the SDG Summit. The SDG Action Weekend will consist of the SDG Mobilization Day on Saturday, 16 September, and the SDG Acceleration Day on Sunday, 17 September at UNHQ in New York.

SDG Acceleration Day will profile actions, investments, and support to accelerate implementation between now and 2030. It will center around twelve High Impact Initiatives that the UN development system is mobilizing around for the SDG Summit and to generate support to bring solutions to scale by 2030. The SDG Acceleration Day will demonstrate that transformative progress is both possible and already happening in some of the most crucial drivers of SDG progress. Expected speakers and participants at SDG Acceleration day will commit to specific and tangible actions to scale initiatives according to national priorities. 

A Dedicated Session on the Global Accelerator at the SDG Action Weekend 

The Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions will be among the illustrated initiatives presented on SDG Acceleration Day on 17 September at a dedicated HII session. Following an overview of the progress made, government representatives from potential pathfinder countries will present their draft roadmaps for implementing the Global Accelerator while the next segment will focus on fostering collaborative synergies through partnerships, with representatives from development and social partners. The session will aim to forge policy coherence and provide an opportunity for UN agencies, development partners, IFIs, and social partners to elucidate their contributions to the Global Accelerator in alignment with their respective mandates.

The UN Global Accelerator plays a vital role in driving transformative progress toward the SDGs. As a designated HII, the Global Accelerator signifies the international community's commitment to creating decent jobs, increasing social protection coverage, and ensuring just transitions for all. 

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