Implementation strategy: Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions

The following publication presents the implementation strategy for the Global Accelerator, developed by a UN InterAgency Task Team (IATT) set up for this purpose, with the ILO’s coordination support. The proposed strategy builds upon the priorities set forth in the UN Secretary-General’s report “Our Common Agenda” and related road maps on social protection, care economy, and health workers, informality, jobs and just transitions (including green and digital), youth and financing. 

It poses key questions regarding the overall problem being addressed (section 1), possible solutions identified (section 2), methodologies for bringing about desired changes (section 3) and how generic proposals could be adapted and applied practically and monitored at the country level (section 4). The note then outlines the proposed governance structure for the effective functioning of the Global Accelerator (section 5), how to ensure its alignment (section 6), and the various streams of funding involved (section 7). It ends with some reflections on the planned efforts for communication and visibility (section 8). 

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