Investment Strategy of the Joint SDG Fund Window on Decent Jobs and Universal Social Protection

In line with the objectives of the Global Accelerator, the Joint SDG Fund Window on Decent Jobs and Universal Social Protection will seek to promote and create synergies between integrated policy solutions, increased investments, and improved multilateral cooperation on decent jobs and universal social protection for just transitions.

It will bolster Joint UN Programmes in pathfinder countries, involving UN agencies, relevant ministries, public institutions, social partners and civil society as well as IFIs, the private sector, and development partners which will support: 

1. The development of integrated and well-coordinated national public policies and strategies and related implementation structures that promote and lead to the effective creation of decent work in tandem with building and maintaining universal and sustainable social protection systems, and that enable just transitions for all;
2. The establishment of national frameworks for adequate and sustainable financing of social protection and employment interventions, through national investments that can be complemented with external sources where needed;
3. The strengthening and/or creation of ownership and consensus among all relevant national actors and their partners (ministries, social partners, public institutions, civil society, UN partners, development partners, IFIs and private investors) and enhanced multilateral cooperation on decent jobs and social protection for just transitions; and
4. The development and dissemination of new knowledge on employment and social protection for human-centred recovery, for achieving the SDGs and for better management of ecological, technological and other transitions of national economies.

Investment Strategy of the Global Accelerator Window .pdf (


You can find more information on the Joint SDG Fund here