Supporting digitalization and formalization of Rwanda’s economy through worker’s capacity building

The government of Rwanda joined the Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions aiming to advance progress in different priority areas including the formalization and digitalization of the urban economy. In this context, a two-day workshop was organized to build the capacities of social partners, particularly workers' organizations, to strengthen the understanding of the rights of workers in the gig economy and define concrete steps on the engagement and role of trade unions to promote universal social protection and digital employment opportunities. 

The workshop organized by the ILO’s Youth Employment Project, in collaboration with Rwanda's Trade Unions, also enables workers organizations to actively contribute to the roadmap development for the implementation of the Global Accelerator in the country. This initiative underscores the importance of fostering effective coordination among UN agencies, Member States, financial institutions,  social partners and civil society to create millions of decent jobs and extend social protection coverage. 

The workshop titled "Empowering Rwanda’s Gig Economy Workers: Advancing Decent Digital Jobs for the Youth" was held from 3-4 April 2024 with the support of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Luxembourg aiming to discuss the alignment of trade unions’ mandate with ILO’s initiatives on decent jobs and the UN Global accelerator.  

Rwanda officially joined the Global Accelerator on 12 January 2024 following national consultations with different stakeholders including the Government of Rwanda, social partners, international financial institutions, and other development partners to discuss the relevance of and potential entry points for the Global Accelerator in the country.  

Two young men discussing over computer