Albania becomes the first pathfinder country of the Global Accelerator to officially endorse its national roadmap for implementation, signaling the country’s commitment to set a strategic direction to accelerate the creation of decent jobs, expand social protection and promote pathways for just transitions.
The roadmap outlines a comprehensive strategy tailored to Albania’s unique context focused on strengthening adaptive social protection for people with disabilities, building an inclusive social protection system for economic security and social equity, and facilitating private sector involvement in TVET programs, with a special emphasis on digital and entrepreneurship skills development targeting youth and women, including skills development support to women laid off from garment industry, particularly those from vulnerable communities and in rural areas, to facilitate their transition toward jobs available in the Hospitality and Tourism sectors.
This strategic roadmap seeks to address Albania’s economic and social challenges by aligning with national strategies and development plans, such as the National Strategy for Development and European Integration, the National Employment and Skills Strategy, and the forthcoming National Social Protection Strategy.
Albania’s roadmap was developed through a process of co-creation with the government and the United Nations country teams of UNDP, UNICEF, ILO, and UN Women, under the technical guidance of UNICEF and UNDP between October and November 2023 in a series of consultations that included discussions with social partners, IFIs, civil society organizations, and other key national stakeholders.
Albania’s implementation roadmap was endorsed by the government in June 2024 setting the direction and defining the entry points for the implementation of the Global Accelerator in the country.
The government of Albania confirmed the high-level commitment to join the Global Accelerator on the 1st of August 2023. The process is led by the Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.